Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Open Crop!!!

Sometimes the way my brain functions (or fails to function) completely amazes me!!!  I have rented the American Legion (lower level) for my Christmas card workshop on Saturday, October 22nd.  It just occurred to me that I might as well make the most of having the extra space SSSOOOOOOO, in conjunction with the Christmas card workshop, there will be an open crop night!  If you want to get out for the evening, get some scrapbooking done and hang out with some fun people, let me know!!!  I'll need to know ahead of time so I can be sure to have plenty of snacks for everyone!!!  No fee/obligation for the crop, just want to get the most out of having a large space (even if you declined the card class, I'd still love to have you come scrapbook!)  We'll be there from 6pm until 11pm (or midnight).  I really hope that you'll consider coming out for an evening of fun :)